Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hacking Harvard (Robin Wasserman)

Three sixteen- and seventeen-year-old boys are the kings of pranks, or "hacks" as they call them. They are all about making a statement by pointing out the flaws in the system. And when Max, the obnoxious troublemaker of the bunch, decides to make a bet behind Eric's and Schwartz's backs, they run with it, even though they think the idea of betting over something is abhorrent. The bet: Get the biggest slacker they can find accepted into Harvard. Along the way, they run into a few obstacles, like a pretty girl that might get hurt because of the bet, a guy that's blackmailing them into helping him too, and a bully who doesn't even remember his prey. The whole idea is that you don't have to be brilliant... You just need a plan.

Just in time for those crazed about college application deadlines! The basic message of the book is a good one. You just need a plan. The way the boys go about getting their plan accomplished is rather unfortunate, though some bits were rather ingenious. The story in general is not a bad one. But it is certainly not one teens should read and think "Hey, this is totally okay." There's some romance in there, and there's some intrigue. But more than anything, it's a fun little coming-of-age story that was at least amusing enough to keep my attention. Though there were certainly plenty of times where I wanted to slap the boys upside their heads. Definitely an interesting story for teens, though maybe not until after they're out of the hunt for a college?

Book 52 of 70

Pages: 320
Genre: teen lit, some romance
Grade: B-/C+
Would I Recommend?: It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't fantastic. Read it if you've got the time and inclination...

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