Thursday, May 19, 2011

World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War (Max Brooks)

The "writer" opens with a forward saying that he's going to stay out of sight as much as possible in the writing of the book. He goes on to say that he did a fact finding for the US government on what exactly happened during the zombie war and the clean-up afterward. In his original report, he told all the stories of the survivors, but the government rejected it, saying that they only wanted the cold, hard facts. So he went ahead and published this book with all of those stories that the government didn't care about.

The book goes on to tell the stories of the "survivors" of a zombie invasion, and outlines all of the political, social, and economical ramifications of what a full-scale zombie invasion would look like.

Honestly, it was really interesting. I was completely engaged in this book the whole way through. It actually reads like a hundred testimonials from war heros and survivors. This is exactly what I would expect from someone like Tom Brokaw, about WWII or the Vietnam War or something. It was mind blowing to think about what could happen if our planet was overrun with a fictional brain-eating menace. It's a study in hypotheticals, for sure, but truly a fascinating read.

Book 15 of 30 (Halfway there!)

Pages: 342
Genre: Fantasy/Horror
Grade: A-/B+
Would I Recommend?: Definitely. If you're into the zombie thing, you'll love this, and even if you're not, it was interesting at the very least.

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