Sunday, November 6, 2011

Murder of a Snake in the Grass (Denise Swanson)

Another of the Scumble River mysteries, starring Skye Denison. This time around, the town is having its bicentennial celebration, complete with the descendant of the town's founder coming in from Montreal to join the festivities. When Gabriel Scumble turns up dead, Skye wants nothing to do with it, for once. She chooses instead to keep her nose clean, and deal with her creeper ex-fiance who's come to town to supposedly woo her and bring her back into his life. Skye's on-again-off-again man, Simon, is none too pleased with Skye's ex showing up, and all hell threatens to break loose in Skye's life. Of course, everyone that knows Skye knows that she won't keep her nose out of for long....

Kind of a same-ol'-same-ol' for Swanson. I'm tiring of Skye not being able to choose to be with Simon, or not. With the way this one ended, I'm hoping the same old storyline isn't rehashed again in the next book of the series, but we'll have to wait and see about that, won't we? Skye is fairly good at her job, but her interpersonal skills when she's not working are rather lacking. The stories are good, but semi-predictable. The writing is fair, but readable. These are good books to pick up and read through when your mind needs a rest from the hardships of intense, thought-provoking masterpiece type books.

Book 32 of 50

Pages: 262
Genre: Mystery, romance
Grade: B+
Would I Recommend?: Sure, take a break from Austen and Hugo and breathe in a little down home cheesiness.

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