Sunday, January 8, 2012

Murder of a Botoxed Blonde (Denise Swanson)

Skye is coaxed into helping the owner of the new day spa in Scumble River find out who is sabotaging the spa before it even opens. She and her friend Trixie are given a weekend at the spa to see who is wreaking havoc at the spa. While there, Skye once again finds a dead body. This time it's a hoity-toity spa attendee who is one of the spa owner's nearest and dearest. Skye's job as detective increases as her spa weekend rushes by. Will she learn the truth before the weekend is over and the spa's residents disperse?

Once again, Skye just so happens to come upon a dead body. Shock of all shocks. The story's an interesting one, winding up with a pretty good ending, not one we've seen from Swanson yet. True, I've seen similar in a few dozen Law & Order episodes, but that's all right. Swanson does a good job with it here. Though Skye's mother is getting more bothersome, especially since she's highlighted just a little more in this one than usual. The woman just won't quit. But the book overall is another fun one from Swanson. Always a good read for when you don't feel like thinking about anything substantial.

Book 39 of 40

Pages: 237
Genre: Mystery with hints of romance
Grade: B
Would I Recommend?: As always, start from the beginning of the series, I say, but it's not hard to pick these up in the middle. Good "beach reading" type book.

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