Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dead in the Family (Charlaine Harris)

Poor Sookie. All she wanted was some quiet in her mind after years of telepathy cluing her in to what everyone she's ever met is thinking. That's all she wanted when she started getting into the vampire world. But now she's got her fairy bloodline, not all of whom are pleased with her, whether the door to the fairy world is open or not. She's got a whole other vampire that she's bonded with forever, and she might be in love, but she might not. She's got friends that are werewolves and dealing with their newly exposed existence, and one might be a traitor. And once again, there's someone out to get her. Sookie just can't get a break.

Once the ending isn't really there. I won't harp, but Harris, you've really got to work on this. The book itself is good. Sookie and Eric are getting closer, and start dating in this book. Good for them. (Finally.) Jason, Sookie's brother, seems to be growing up a bit. (Finally.) Everyone seems to be settling into their lives (or unlives) well in this book. Of course, there's always problems, because it would be a pretty boring book if there weren't. I'm almost glad I'm getting close to the end of this series, though. (I'm sure you're glad I'm almost done too!) I enjoy them, don't get me wrong. They're just not as intense anymore. They've settled into a groove, which I appreciate, but the groove isn't as groovy as when they were more action-packed. Eric, one of the very major characters at this point, has become more kitten than tiger, thanks to a shift in power. Sookie, who used to be so light-hearted, has become hard. It's almost as though Sookie and Eric have swapped places. I almost want Sookie to get herself turned, just to see what she would do with it. Anyway, I've come this far (10 books into an almost 12 book series. Book 12 comes out in May.) I don't think I'll feel right stopping now. Besides, despite their groove status, they're still entertaining. Just with a little less wow.

Book 21 of 50

Pages: 311
Genre: Mystery, vamps, and romance
Grade: B+
Would I Recommend?: Sure. But please start from the beginning. They're more fun that way.

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