Sunday, July 1, 2012

Four to Score (Janet Evanovich)

Stephanie Plum's latest FTA (Faiure to Appear) bounty is a waitress with an ass of a boyfriend. She swiped his car because she was pissed at him, and he pressed charges. Maxine and her family take Stephanie on a wild goose chase thanks to her clues for her dumb-ass boyfriend. Of course, Stephanie has to figure out what all the clues mean, because they might lead her to her bounty that much faster. She enlists not only Lula, a former prostitute turned secretary and sidekick, but her Grandma Mazur, a seventy-something lady with time to kill, and a drag queen named Sally Sweet. It doesn't help that she can't figure out what the hell is going on with her hunky almost-boyfriend Morelly, or that her cousin has brought her least favorite person in the world (the woman she found screwing her now-ex husband on their dining room table) on as a fellow bounty hunter after the same bounty, or that someone is once again trying to kill her. Just another day in the life of a Jersey girl.

I straight-up love this series. It's addictive, and I am so totally hooked. It takes everything in me to hop to another book after finishing one, so that my blog doesn't look like a Janet Evanovich love fest! (Currently, I'm in possession of the books up to number nine, but I'm trying to take my time... You'll see in the next few weeks how well it's working out!) This particular installment sees Stephanie fighting several different wars as usual, including a few of the heart. I love that Stephanie's forced to stay with Joe Morelli, thanks to a tiny little thing called a fire bomb... I like their dynamic. I have a friend that's a fan of a certain other gentleman in the series, though we'll get into that situation further when Stephanie's travels put her more in his way. For now, I love this series like a fat kid loves cake. Keep it coming, Evanovich.

Book 26 of 50

Pages: 313
Genre: Mystery, romance, and a whole lotta chicklit
Grade: A
Would I Recommend?: Definitely. Love this series. Enjoy!!

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