Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Spy Who Left Me (Gina Robinson)

Treflee Miller (yes, that's her name, though her given name is "Elizabeth." Go figure!) is an almost-divorcee who wants nothing more than to help her cousin through what should have been the happiest time in her life and is turning out to be one of the toughest. Carrie, Treflee's cousin, has left her groom a few days before the wedding, and has decided to take the honeymoon trip with her former bridesmaids instead. Treflee expects a calm, relaxing trip to Hawaii. Instead she finds her spy husband, who she is desperately trying to divorce, on an undercover assignment. Ty wants anything but a divorce, and is trying to figure out why his wife went from wanting to jump his bones every time he came home to the coldest ice queen ever. Treflee gets wrapped into the spy game, making a deal with Ty that she'll help him get the bad guys in exchange for his signature on the divorce paperwork, while Ty tries his damnedest to win back her heart.

Not bad. The writing could surely be worse. It's a fun romp through a spy's world as he fights to hold on to his wife. Treflee keeps a secret from Ty (she had a miscarriage while he was on his last mission and never told him!) and blames him for not being there for her. I hate to say it, Tref, but it's absolutely your fault sweetie. The spy bits are interesting, though the bad guys' organization names are stupid. (Revolutionary International Organization of Terrorists, or RIOT, and the Fuk Ching. Really, Ms. Robinson? Really?) The main characters' names are ridiculous. But the storyline and the writing otherwise is fairly good. It's a good going-on-vacation book. (I say this because I read it while on vacation myself!) Go for it. It's a fun little read, and it goes really quickly.

Book 30 of 50

Pages: 352 read as an e-book
Genre: Romance, with a side of mystery.
Grade: B+
Would I Recommend?: Sure. It's light, and addictive, and apparently it's the start of a series. (Music to all your ears, right? Another series for me to read through!)

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