Sunday, October 9, 2011

No Nest for the Wicket (Donna Andrews)


Once again, Meg Langslow has craziness surrounding her. Mrs. Fenniman, a woman whose relationship to Meg is, I think, some sort of aunt, decides to start an Extreme Cricket tournament in Caerphilly. Of course the tourney has to be on Meg's huge property, as well as her neighbor's farm, because everyone enjoys invading Meg's and Michael's space. Oh, and somebody gets murdered. Shocker.


If you've read this blog at all, you know how I love Andrews's writing. The scenarios get more and more ridiculous, but with the way Andrews set up her first novel, no one thinks twice about how off-the-wall the newest novel's plot is. I can't wait to see what's coming next. The only thing that bugs me is Meg's fear of marrying Michael, but I guess Andrews was trying to draw out that piece of plot as long as possible.

Book 28 of 50

Pages: 259
Genre: Mystery
Grade: A-
Would I Recommend? Heck yeah, though as with most series books, I do suggest starting from the beginning. Sure, you could pick up in the middle, but the whole joy of the Langslow brood is watching the crazy get crazier.

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